Friday, October 10, 2008

Control Anxiety Attacks - 4 Simple Steps to Control Every Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks can have a terrible effect on your life. The first step in overcoming anxiety attacks is to learn how to control them. Once you've achieved that and no longer fear the attacks themselves you can start to stop them ever happening to you. The following steps will help you to get control over your attacks.

Step 1 - To prevent an anxiety attack it is important that you learn the right relaxation techniques then practice them on a regular basis. Through these techniques not only do you learn the right ways to control your breathing but it helps to relax muscles which can become tensed up. If you can either attend some relaxation classes so you can learn the correct ways to breathe slowly and deeply to help you relax. The other way is to get some relaxation DVDs or watch some lessons online and then spend 20 minutes each day practicing them.

One very simple breathing technique to try is that you sit down somewhere quiet then take a very slow deep breath through your nose. After you have inhaled now very slowly release this breath but through your lips pursed. So it looks as if you are blowing someone a kiss until all the air has been exhaled out. Now again breathe in deeply through your nose and as you do so count up to 8 and then very gently again exhale through your pursed lips for a count of 8.

To further help with this technique as you sit still but make sure that you are sitting up straight so your lungs are fully inflated you make sure your eyes closed. Through using this technique your body and muscles will become relaxed and any tension in them will soon leave.

Step 2 - You need to reduce how many stimulants you consume each day as these can work on your body and make it more alert and aroused. Therefore if you are someone who does suffer anxiety attacks eliminating drinks that contain caffeine (coffee and tea) and foods that contain high levels of sugar will help. However, it is important that you don't eliminate them from your diet all at once but rather slowly and gradually over time otherwise you can end up suffering from withdrawal symptoms which can actually help to increase the anxiety one is feeling.

Step 3 - Anxiety tends to create more energy and adrenalin in a person's body and a way of reducing this is by exercising each and every day. It doesn't have to cost you anything to exercise just a brisk 20 minute walk can help initially and then as you feel better so you can build up the level of exercise you do. Certainly exercise is a very important part for any person who is trying to can control and cope with their anxiety attacks in the future.

Step 4 - It is important that you learn to recognize those anxious thoughts and feelings you are having before they have a chance to spiral out of control. It is a good idea to write down the thoughts and feelings you are having which are making you anxious and see whether they are realistic ones or not. If however, find yourself having problems getting rid of these thoughts then do something that will distract you like some exercise or some particular task that needs your full attention to concentrate on it.

Find out more about controling your anxiety attacks Visit How To Stop Anxiety Attacks Free Tips, Advice and Articles.



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