Friday, October 10, 2008

Control Anxiety Attacks - 4 Simple Steps to Control Every Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks can have a terrible effect on your life. The first step in overcoming anxiety attacks is to learn how to control them. Once you've achieved that and no longer fear the attacks themselves you can start to stop them ever happening to you. The following steps will help you to get control over your attacks.

Step 1 - To prevent an anxiety attack it is important that you learn the right relaxation techniques then practice them on a regular basis. Through these techniques not only do you learn the right ways to control your breathing but it helps to relax muscles which can become tensed up. If you can either attend some relaxation classes so you can learn the correct ways to breathe slowly and deeply to help you relax. The other way is to get some relaxation DVDs or watch some lessons online and then spend 20 minutes each day practicing them.

One very simple breathing technique to try is that you sit down somewhere quiet then take a very slow deep breath through your nose. After you have inhaled now very slowly release this breath but through your lips pursed. So it looks as if you are blowing someone a kiss until all the air has been exhaled out. Now again breathe in deeply through your nose and as you do so count up to 8 and then very gently again exhale through your pursed lips for a count of 8.

To further help with this technique as you sit still but make sure that you are sitting up straight so your lungs are fully inflated you make sure your eyes closed. Through using this technique your body and muscles will become relaxed and any tension in them will soon leave.

Step 2 - You need to reduce how many stimulants you consume each day as these can work on your body and make it more alert and aroused. Therefore if you are someone who does suffer anxiety attacks eliminating drinks that contain caffeine (coffee and tea) and foods that contain high levels of sugar will help. However, it is important that you don't eliminate them from your diet all at once but rather slowly and gradually over time otherwise you can end up suffering from withdrawal symptoms which can actually help to increase the anxiety one is feeling.

Step 3 - Anxiety tends to create more energy and adrenalin in a person's body and a way of reducing this is by exercising each and every day. It doesn't have to cost you anything to exercise just a brisk 20 minute walk can help initially and then as you feel better so you can build up the level of exercise you do. Certainly exercise is a very important part for any person who is trying to can control and cope with their anxiety attacks in the future.

Step 4 - It is important that you learn to recognize those anxious thoughts and feelings you are having before they have a chance to spiral out of control. It is a good idea to write down the thoughts and feelings you are having which are making you anxious and see whether they are realistic ones or not. If however, find yourself having problems getting rid of these thoughts then do something that will distract you like some exercise or some particular task that needs your full attention to concentrate on it.

Find out more about controling your anxiety attacks Visit How To Stop Anxiety Attacks Free Tips, Advice and Articles.


You Need to Take Action to Deal With Panic Disorders

If you are among those who suffer from panic disorders or anxiety disorders, then you are most likely always on the lookout for methods that will prevent the onset of a panic attack. Fortunately, this is a well researched topic and there are many options available that can fight anxiety and depression at the same time. Many factors have been identified that will trigger a panic attack and there are always some very obvious and tell-tale signs when one is about to happen.

Your ability to read these signs as early as possible is the best tool to preventing and counteracting them. Once you have trained yourself to recognize the signs that indicate that the onset of a panic attack is just about to happen, you can move on to identify and learn about remedies for these.

The most important remedy while fighting against a panic disorder is to take action. Do not wait for it to wash over you; do not wait to pit your strength against it and measure your will power against the storm that is created by an anxiety panic attack. The best way to fight it is to prevent it.

Traumatic as it is, a few simple steps at the onset of an attack can help you tremendously. Most experts would say that you should not brace yourself against it, but rather roll with the wave. In this way, the attack will come and go, and you will not feel devastated the next day.

A little out of the way, but well recommended by doctors, is the effort to improve self esteem, which, it seems, is directly connected with depression anxiety. Depression in turn, happens when your self-expectations are thwarted by your abilities.

The timing is very important, so you should be careful when one is taking over your self-control. You need to know that basically all panic disorders are the result of some mismatch between who you think you are and how others perceive you.

Panic disorders are the result of a mental disease, and can turn regular, day-to-day problems into mammoth fears and anxiety attacks if left untreated. These attacks are tremendously traumatic since they are disproportionate to reality and therefore, it becomes difficult for you to defend yourself against it.

Health experts advise that the only things that can control such attacks are strong will power, appropriate medicines and timely action. All these initiatives should be applied at the same time in the correct order and intensity to provide you with relief.

Mike Selvon's anxiety portal has some more useful information on panic disorders. Visit his web site and leave a comment at his anxiety attack symptom blog.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Find the Allusive Help For Panic Attacks

With the troubling times that have befallen us lately, the occurrence of anxiety or panic attacks are on the rise. Recent statistics show that as much as one in five adults will be stricken with one of these conditions.

When someone seeks help for panic attacks it is important to know what caused the attacks, when they happen and even where they occur. Once an individual can recognize the preliminary symptoms it will be much easier for them to deal with.

When we try and decipher the symptoms of a panic attack, the following clues will be something to look out for:

1) Tightness in the chest

2) Erratic or abnormal breathing pattern

3) Uncommon sense of fear

4) Overwhelming sense of compounding problems to a singular situation

Panic attacks can be dealt with in many ways via different therapies. One of these things can be to change your focus to an event in your past that brought you pleasure. Next, it can be helpful to focus on your breathing pattern by slowing it down or trying to control it. Also, it can be helpful to take out a pen and paper and write down anything that you feel may have prompted the attack.

The best thing that an individual can do while looking for help with panic attacks is to change the focus of their mind to a positive one. This is easier said than done in a lot of cases but it can be very effective. The power of your thoughts wield a cure in most of these situations.

As our world changes in what seems like for the worse, many more people are now experiencing anxiety or panic attacks than ever before. In our current times this is not a shocker, but what we don't have to do is sit back and take it. in some instances, panic or acute anxiety attacks can feel totally overwhelming to someone. The good thing is, there is help out there. If you take just one thing away here, let it be this, turn your focus on what's enabling the attack and turn it towards something positive in your life.

Break free from crushing panic attacks now. Find out how I discovered help for panic attacks by stopping by today. Shane Wilson is a web site master at where you'll be able to find more info.

How to Stop Blushing - Effective Help With Blushing Problems

Stop blushing help begins with your inner thoughts. You can find effective anti-blush approaches that can help you quit the flush of color to your face, ears and neck. The support you need is within you. Your mind is the guide that can control this response.

Understanding blushes

When you blush, your body is simply sending more blood to the surface of the skin. It is that simple. This is an automatic physical response that can be kick-started by your subconscious mind. You may blush at the very thought of turning red or you may find that the flush of color occurs for no apparent reason.

The blushes that occur for no reason are particularly problematic because they have no apparent source. You simply turn red out of the blue and this is can lead to great feelings of anxiety because you may feel that others misinterpret your redness for a particular emotion. This possible misinterpretation is just one of the sources of stress.

Anticipation of Flushing Red

You also have another great source of stress and anxiety when you have excessive blushing. The anticipation of turning red can actually make you blush. This is a direct result of your mental processes. You begin to obsess about blushes and this, in turn, makes you blush.

When you anticipate the blushes, you are destined to have the experience repeatedly. The very notion of the occurrence along with your expectations serves as a self-fulfilling prophecy that works to enhance the experience and reinforce your negative patterns of thought.

NLP Stop Blushing Help

The best way to break this cycle is to work from within. You can change your mental processes in order to create a new form of communication between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious mind. As you consider that you can blush when there is no apparent reason, the subconscious becomes of great importance.

Your subconscious mind makes no distinction of time. What occurred several years ago may seem as if it is currently happening in the subconscious mind. You may blush automatically and without warning because your subconscious is still in that past moment.

NLP seeks to create a new pattern of thinking that relies on the present. You can let go of past experiences and anticipation of future bodily responses using this approach. This effective approach develops new thoughts that lead to relaxed emotions that result in appropriate physical responses.

You do not have to seek help from Botox injections, surgery or any other invasive measure. NLP helps you make the necessary changes from within you. Stop blushing help does not have to interfere with your happiness; it has the ability to enhance it.

Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Stop Blushing Help - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organisation has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners providing treatment for excessive blushing in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Stop Blushing Hypnosis, by experienced hypnotherapist Debbie Williams.

Best Treatment Generalized Anxiety Disorder

We get a lot of people asking us if we know what the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder is and we can't really say. The reason why we can't say is because the doctors have no real clue as to what the "best" treatment is, that will help generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

We have worked very hard though to find solutions and there are many types of programs that can be used. If you look at it from the doctors' perspectives the research shows that the best treatment is a combination of psychotherapy and medication. These are the things they say are the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder.

As they look at these two options, the best psychotherapy seems to be Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This seems to be the best psychotherapy treatment for best treatment generalized anxiety disorder at this time. The reason this seems to be so effective is because the central focus for people with GAD is to look at the thought patterns and negative beliefs that are present for everyone.

The basic way to do this is for people to write down what they know about their beliefs and their attitudes and then to work with the therapist to eliminate the ones that create triggers that bring on a panic attack or other symptom. This is one area that is being called the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder.

Medication can be the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder because sometimes medication helps where nothing else will. In this scenario an individual is given either anti-depressants like Zoloft or Valium to see whether this stops them from depression.

The reason these are given is because sometimes an individual with GAD will go into depression around their anxiety. There are also the anti-anxiety drugs like Prozac or Paxil but some of these can have dangerous side effects. Still, some doctors and other experts say this is the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder.

We don't think any of these are necessarily the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder, because we have found that people do a lot better on more natural ways to challenge their own problems with GAD.

So, we think the best treatment generalized anxiety disorder is really to find out what works best for you. As an example, many people try working with affirmations or learning relaxation and deep breathing techniques. These seem to help them pull back when they start to feel a generalized anxiety attack coming on.

The point is whatever you find that works for you is really best treatment generalized anxiety disorder and this has to be left up to individual choice.

That said, my personal recommendation for your best treatment of generalized anxiety disorder starts at The site provides lots of great applicable information on how you can get your GAD under control. Along with their step-by-step exercises, the website has really been a great support system for my own anxiety. Check it out right now by CLICKING HERE.

How to Cope With Anxiety Panic Disorders

Millions of Americans suffer from anxiety disorders at some point in their lives. Anxiety is, to some extent, a normal reaction to stressful situations, such as having to speak in public. However, for many people, their reactions to these situations go beyond normal day-to-day nervousness. Anxiety panic disorders may affect more than six million Americans at some point in their lives. These disorders are very real illnesses that can be crippling for some people.

The main characteristic of an anxiety panic disorder is the panic attack. These attacks can happen in response to specific stress factors, or they can occur spontaneously. The sufferer may experience shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating and nausea, and may feel as if they are about to lose their mind. Often, the person suffering an anxiety/panic attack will end up in the emergency room because they think they are having a heart attack.

The medical tests the person undergoes can often make their anxiety worse, as they fear that something is seriously wrong with them. If a person suffers panic attacks frequently, then they may develop some sort of phobia, particularly if the attacks occur in a specific location, such as elevators.

Fear of having panic attacks will often lead the sufferer to avoid specific situations or locations. Some people will develop agoraphobia and can become housebound, as they fear leaving their homes.

There are several options doctors may choose from when treating anxiety panic disorders. They can often be controlled through the use of medication. Antidepressants, such as SSRIs, have been found to be helpful for anxiety symptoms and there are also specific anti-anxiety medications that may be used in stressful situations.

Psychotherapy, especially cognitive and behavioral therapy, is also highly beneficial. Your doctor may also advise you to quit smoking or drinking coffee, since caffeine and nicotine have been found to increase anxiety symptoms.

Many doctors also recommend stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation, tai chi, and yoga. Cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking can also help to reduce stress. Alternative practitioners may recommend the use of herbal remedies; St. John's Wort and valerian root are among the natural remedies that may be helpful.

Anxiety panic disorders are serious illnesses which can be disabling. Many sufferers are virtually crippled as they try to organize their lives in such a way as to avoid anxiety/panic attacks. However, these disorders are treatable. With the use of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, stress management techniques and psychotherapy, many people with anxiety can live productive and fulfilling lives.

Mike Selvon's anxiety portal has some more useful information on anxiety panic disorders. Visit his web site and leave a comment at his anxiety attack symptom blog.

Agoraphobia and Panic Attack Disorder Are Ruining Your Life

Many people do not realize that agoraphobia is a form of anxiety disorder that is quite common but highly treatable. Agoraphobia and panic attack disorder are closely in that an individually suffering from agoraphobia fears situations or settings where they feel out of control or fear the onset of a panic attack in public.

When a person suffers from panic attacks they run the risk of having these attacks in a public place. After the very first panic attack, the person might become fearful of having another attack in a place that they cannot control. Spending time in places where they might have a panic attack becomes impossible for these people and agoraphobia becomes the problem.

This is why it is so important that panic attacks be treated immediately so that they do not progress to a state that completely hinders the quality of life. If you have had the symptoms of a panic attack the first thing that you must do is visit the doctor and be properly diagnosed. If it does turn out to be a panic disorder, then you can take the first steps for treatment.

The doctor may prescribe medication that will help to ease the symptoms of a panic attack when it is taking place. There are also antidepressant medications that will help patients keep their panic attacks under control.

There are also behavior therapies that work very well in the treatment of panic attacks and disorders. The most important part of treatment is that the panic disorder does not reach the level of agoraphobia. Sometimes the fear of having an attack is enough to trigger one. It is necessary to learn to control this type of thinking and put it in check before it causes a panic attack to happen.

Unfortunately, people can literally talk themselves right into having a panic attack just by the simple act of talking and thinking about panic attacks. These thought patterns must be changed. Cognitive behavior therapy is one treatment that seeks to do that.

There are also natural treatments that work very well for some people with panic disorders. Hypnosis and breathing techniques along with meditation are some of the more common natural approaches to panic disorder.

If feelings of anxiety have started to affect your ability to go to work or do any of the normal functions of life, you might need a more aggressive therapy for your condition. You should monitor your progress while you are seeking treatment for panic disorders and report any changes in your condition to your doctor or therapist.

If you are having panic attacks and have been diagnosed with anxiety or panic disorder, you should educate yourself on the connection between agoraphobia and panic attack disorder. It is important that you get a handle on the panic attacks before they impair the quality of your life.

Don't let panic attacks ruin your life, you can control anxiety and avoid long term medications for anxiety and panic attack. Visit today and find out how.